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Develop your creativity

By the end of the training, you will be able to renew your methods through creativity.

Duration :

2 days

Customer Experience & Service

Sales Techniques & Customer Experience


Understand the impact of creativity on your daily life

Enhance your own creativity as well as that of your team

Break free from conventional frameworks and processes


Training memo booklet given to each participant.



The advantages of the training

You will benefit from an alternation of theoretical contributions and practical-fun exercises.

You will share your experiences.

You will identify concrete keys to creativity to apply in your daily professional life.



1 – Understand creativity

  • Define the concept of creativity

  • Demystifying creativity

2 – Get out of your frame of reference

  • Identify your habits and your obstacles

  • Choose a creative mindset: lay the foundations for your new operations

  • Understand and develop your creativity

3 – Stimulate the team’s creativity

  • Brainstorming/walking/writing

  • The 6 hats

4 - Develop team creativity through play

  • Individual reflection using the Lego Serious Play® method

  • Collective intelligence workshop using the Lego Serious Play® method

5 - Create new creativity practices to mobilize the team

  • Collective intelligence workshop using a range of original materials

6 - Individual & team action plan

  • Your commitments to develop your creativity

  • Collective commitments around the team's creative best practices.


Concerned public

Managers and employees of the same team.


10 participants maximum, 4 participants minimum.


Intra-company format: dates to be organised together according to your needs.

Please note: we do not offer this inter-company training.

 Module adaptable over a day according to your needs, contact us.


Contact us.

The cost of renting Lego Serious Play® equipment will be included in the price.

Practical information

Animation at the customer's premises or in a dedicated space.

Training accessible to people with disabilities, contact us to find out more.

Expertise in:

Spoken languages :

Interested in this training?


Laure Hiriart

Laure Hiriart

Initially a freelance stylist, Laure worked for nearly ten years with various clients in the fashion and retail industries. She designed women's and men's ready-to-wear collections for buying groups, niche brands, and factories in Morocco and Turkey. As a consultant, she also collaborated with a Parisian business and creative strategy consultancy for one of their Asian clients.

Later, Laure trained in coaching with Quebec-based trainers. Now a certified coach, trainer, and HR consultant, she supports individuals and teams in their development. Believing creativity to be a key skill, she offers tailored training and coaching sessions to assist with their projects, activities, and career growth.

Expertise in:

Style, Creativity, Coaching

Spoken languages: 

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